Vedu just told me very sweetly, “Amme, although you are the last funniest in the house, you are still very funny.” I don’t know if that is a compliment or an insult.
Vedu: Amme, what do you think is more important? Justice or wisdom? Me: Justice, I guess. Because whether one is wise or not, ensuring no one faces injustice is more important. Vedu (two days later): I thought about what you… Continue Reading →
While reading The Best Nest by P.D. Eastman, we kept wondering why Mrs. Bird was so irritable and angry. When at the end of the book, we saw a smiling Mrs. Bird with her newly laid egg, Vedu said to… Continue Reading →
Taaru went to the toilet and almost fell into the commode. She came out of the toilet two minutes later and said with a straight face, “God is with me. I am a winner.” 😀
I have been a mother for so long now that my standard response to anyone, even complete strangers at the supermarket aisle, saying “Excuse me” is “Bless you.”
While playing doctor-patient with my girls, I could go to them with any sickness – cold, headache, broken bones, ulcer in the mouth – and their standard treatment would invariably include cutting open my tummy, getting a baby out and… Continue Reading →
Recently, I bought the Menstrupedia Comic that explains the whole range of what, why, when and how of menstruation and growing up. Although just 7 and 3, Vedu and Taaru wanted to read it right away; so we did. In… Continue Reading →
My girls could apply to the Malayala Manorama media house today and land a job as a reporter right away. The precision, accuracy and exact route map with which they explain the how, when, where and what of something is… Continue Reading →
Talking to my kids is like attending a 24/7 viva about story books and animated movies. The worst part? I don’t even have the option of saying “I don’t know” or choosing to fail. My “examiners” have a “Never say… Continue Reading →
I walked in to the living room to see Vedu giving Taaru a lecture on the importance of oral hygiene. “You should not eat too much chocolate. You should always clean your teeth after eating and brush properly twice a… Continue Reading →
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