You haven’t seen what parenthood is really like until you have to do the impossible task of consoling your toddler who is bawling at the top of her lungs saying “Baby happy, baby happy!”
People in our country have a general tendency to consider babies as cute dolls and not really as human beings with their own feelings and emotions, likes and dislikes and mostly their own comfort levels just like us, grown-ups. They… Continue Reading →
You know motherhood has changed your life so much if you are taking time out from this vacation to sort out and upload photos from your previous vacation. :-/
On days when I am so tired of Vedu’s never-ending tantrums, I end up telling her at bedtime that taking it the whole day was fine, but I can’t take it for another minute and she really needs to sleep…. Continue Reading →
I’ve often heard people, especially elders, mainly overprotective grandparents and sometimes parents, say “He’s a baby. It’s too early for him to understand” when someone wants to tell a baby to do or not do something. Maybe till around 6… Continue Reading →
“Ammeeee.. Mmmuuuaaahhh” in the sweetest possible tone is the best thing you want to hear from your little darling. JUST NOT AT 3 IN THE MORNING DAMN IT!!! Especially when it is followed by a two-hour long monologue from the… Continue Reading →
My daughter’s superpower – Pooping at the exact moment I put the first morsel of food in my mouth. Thanks baby! You make mealtimes quite something to look forward to. :-/
Vedu had her 18th month vaccination today. Relatively new parents would know that this is a pain in the ass vaccination for both the baby and the parents because of the high fever and pain for one or two days…. Continue Reading →
As a mother, I feel very proud when I read about how babies have a very strong bond with their mothers even before they are born. After Vedu came along, there have been so many instances when I have beamed… Continue Reading →
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