Where inhibitions are set free!

Category Mommy Ramblings

Feelings, observations and experiences of a mommy – mostly nerve-wracking, mind-blowing and extremely rewarding at the same time! :)

Mommy Ramblings – #46

Vedu just told me very sweetly, “Amme, although you are the last funniest in the house, you are still very funny.” I don’t know if that is a compliment or an insult.

Mommy Ramblings – #45

Vedu: Amme, what do you think is more important? Justice or wisdom? Me: Justice, I guess. Because whether one is wise or not, ensuring no one faces injustice is more important. Vedu (two days later): I thought about what you… Continue Reading →

Mommy Ramblings – #44

While reading The Best Nest by P.D. Eastman, we kept wondering why Mrs. Bird was so irritable and angry. When at the end of the book, we saw a smiling Mrs. Bird with her newly laid egg, Vedu said to… Continue Reading →

Mommy Ramblings – #43

Taaru went to the toilet and almost fell into the commode. She came out of the toilet two minutes later and said with a straight face, “God is with me. I am a winner.” 😀

Mommy Ramblings – #42

I have been a mother for so long now that my standard response to anyone, even complete strangers at the supermarket aisle, saying “Excuse me” is “Bless you.”

Yes, I’m Proud of Myself

Many years ago, when I left my job with a major software company where I was working as a Corporate Business Skills Trainer, it was for purely personal reasons. Hari was flying to the US for a deputation and honestly,… Continue Reading →

Mommy Ramblings – #41

While playing doctor-patient with my girls, I could go to them with any sickness – cold, headache, broken bones, ulcer in the mouth – and their standard treatment would invariably include cutting open my tummy, getting a baby out and… Continue Reading →

Mommy Ramblings – #40

Recently, I bought the Menstrupedia Comic that explains the whole range of what, why, when and how of menstruation and growing up. Although just 7 and 3, Vedu and Taaru wanted to read it right away; so we did. In… Continue Reading →

Mommy Ramblings – #39

My girls could apply to the Malayala Manorama media house today and land a job as a reporter right away. The precision, accuracy and exact route map with which they explain the how, when, where and what of something is… Continue Reading →

Mommy Ramblings – #38

Talking to my kids is like attending a 24/7 viva about story books and animated movies. The worst part? I don’t even have the option of saying “I don’t know” or choosing to fail. My “examiners” have a “Never say… Continue Reading →

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