The problem with humming lullabies to your baby at bedtime is that you fall asleep first.
Why a baby’s most comfortable position in her parent’s arms simply has to be the most uncomfortable position for the parent is beyond me!
When to put the baby sleeping in your arms on the bed is the most important life decision for a parent in the first three months (and for some, even after that). One millisecond before the “right” time and all… Continue Reading →
Last night after going to bed, Vedu called me into her room for a sip of water and had an interesting conversation with me. —————- Vedu: “Amme, it was my wedding tonight. We had pe pe pe (sound of the… Continue Reading →
Vedu got the fairy tale Cinderella from her grandparents a while back and we read it together last week. It ended up being such a tiring exercise for me because damn!!, it’s not just a sweet children’s story that you… Continue Reading →
When I became a wife, I felt that I would spend half my life repeating whatever I have said. Now that I am a mother too, I know that I will spend all my life repeating whatever I have said…. Continue Reading →
“A little patience can go a long way” – Golden words of wisdom that every mother remembers right after losing her shit completely with her kids and triggering a round of howling that can only be handled by turning back… Continue Reading →
I taught my daughter the names of all the fingers. I now have a toddler who walks around with her middle finger raised and saying “Middle finger, middle finger” for two minutes before saying the names of the other fingers…. Continue Reading →
The biggest challenge involved in being a mother is maintaining a straight face while you are scolding your little one. You are all shaking inside in the desperate effort to curb your laughter, you have to stage an angry walk-out… Continue Reading →
Having my 2-year-old daughter around is like listening to FM Radio all day long – non-stop chatter and a pick of her favourite songs sung in her baby voice (with awesome dance moves) for entertainment every now and then. Lucky… Continue Reading →
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