Where inhibitions are set free!

Category Love, life & relationships

Woman – Woman’s Worst Enemy

Have you heard of the saying “A woman is woman’s worst enemy?” When I Googled to see if I am using it correctly I found so many articles written on the same topic. That just showed how many people believe… Continue Reading →


Vedu had her 18th month vaccination today. Relatively new parents would know that this is a pain in the ass vaccination for both the baby and the parents because of the high fever and pain for one or two days…. Continue Reading →

Ladies’ Seat: A Feminist Conundrum

I travelled by metro rail after a month or so this weekend. And you know what? There is a Ladies’ coach in Hyderabad metro now. My first thought was “Why do we need a Ladies’ coach in a metro train… Continue Reading →

A Mother’s Day Tribute to Fathers

As a mother, I feel very proud when I read about how babies have a very strong bond with their mothers even before they are born. After Vedu came along, there have been so many instances when I have beamed… Continue Reading →

The Unsung Queens of “Friendzone”

Every day I come across dozens of trolls or memes depicting the sorry situation of guys who have been “friendzoned”. What makes my blood boil is how they talk as if guys have the sole ownership of this miserable land…. Continue Reading →

Redefining “Home-Breaker”

We live in an age where marriages ending due to infidelity is no longer rare. While that used to be looked at as the reason for calling it quits in celebrity marriages alone once, it is very much the case… Continue Reading →

A Dragon Called Jealousy

“Jealousy, that dragon which slays love under the pretence of keeping it alive.” Havelock Ellis I have often heard people talk about how they tried to get the attention and interest of their crush by acting close to someone else… Continue Reading →

Let’s Stop Body Shaming!

I’m probably posting something like this for the zillionth time, only because people still don’t seem to understand my message. All my life I’ve listened to people making stupid comments about my weight and physique. But after giving birth to… Continue Reading →

Whirlwind Friendships

You must have heard of the usage “Whirlwind romance”. Something similar has been on my mind for about a year now – “Whirlwind friendships”. I can see that the coinage has been used as a blog topic by a couple… Continue Reading →

The Mom in Me – Part 3

The day I reached back home with Vedu, I was so upset about the state the apartment was in, even though Hari had done his best to keep it as clean as possible. I was highly irritable and kept getting… Continue Reading →

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