Where inhibitions are set free!

Category Love, life & relationships

Unspoken Horrors of Postpartum Depression

Today I read yet another news article about a woman who killed her children and tried to kill herself while going through severe postpartum depression. And like always there were tons of comments under this news too about how she… Continue Reading →

My Super-slow Journey of Healing

Reading through “Things Fall Apart” by Chinua Achebe as part of my curriculum during my B.A. course was when I first thought, consciously I mean, about my fear of becoming my mother, just like the protagonist Okonkwo lives his entire… Continue Reading →

Polygamy – Not a “Live and Let Live” Choice

For the last few weeks, I have been seeing posts and articles on social media about a model, described as “the guy who is publicly hated, but privately desired by every woman on the face of the earth”. Since one… Continue Reading →

An “Aww so innocent” rapist’s story

I watched a 2019-Malayalam movie called ‘Kettyolaanu Ente Malakha’ on some OTT platform, a few months after its release. I watched it mainly because of the positive reviews showered on it for talking about a taboo topic – marital rape…. Continue Reading →

Story of a breakup

Two years ago, I went through a breakup. You must be wondering what the hell I am talking about since I am still very much with my husband. I broke up with one of my best friends (Hari, being the… Continue Reading →

Archaic traditions, Eternal injustice

Many a times when I have looked back at my wedding photos, I have felt a tinge of regret seeing the photo of my dad kind of ‘sealing the bond’ and ‘uniting us for eternity’ by putting my hand in… Continue Reading →

A Wedding Album Horror

Have you gone through wedding albums filled with amazing photographs of the newlyweds and wondered why the photographer had to screw it all up by adding supposedly sweet, but honestly, cringeworthily saccharine ‘romantic’ lines? Most of them are peppered with… Continue Reading →

Ditched, Dumped, Stood Up – Some ‘Golden’ Memories

Have you got “ditched”, “dumped” or “stood up” ever in your life? I have, so many times. I don’t mean that in the context of a romantic relationship or a date alone. Of course, that has also happened to me… Continue Reading →

Bubble of Luck

Back in 2015, I wrote a blog about why a lot of women trapped in abusive relationships or marriages do not get out, despite the torture they are put through every day. (https://insanereverie.in/when-dreams-die/) It was not encouraging these women to… Continue Reading →

Women’s Commission – Boon or Bane?

Seeing posts celebrating the “brave” decision to force the infamous MC Josephine to resign from her position of Chairperson of the Kerala Women’s Commission brought a couple of questions to my mind. 1) What the hell is there to celebrate… Continue Reading →

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