In the 1993 Malayalam movie Kalippattam, when asked why he was fired from work, Mohanlal explains that it was for playing the violin during his breaks – “Vishrama velakal aanandakaram aakkiyathinu” (For enjoying my breaks.) This line of his is… Continue Reading →
You know how screwed our education system is when your LKG-going kid has 10 days of festival holidays coming up and is given a 10-page-long worksheet for that time. 🙄 At the cost of sounding like one of those annoying… Continue Reading →
Have you gone through wedding albums filled with amazing photographs of the newlyweds and wondered why the photographer had to screw it all up by adding supposedly sweet, but honestly, cringeworthily saccharine ‘romantic’ lines? Most of them are peppered with… Continue Reading →
“What is right and what is wrong?” – This is a question that has always had only one real answer – “There is no right or wrong answer.” Obviously because it can only be answered from a subjective standpoint, based… Continue Reading →
Have you got “ditched,” “dumped” or “stood up” ever in your life? I have, so many times. I don’t mean that in the context of a romantic relationship or a date alone. Of course, that has also happened to me… Continue Reading →
The worst that victims of crimes done by psycho stalkers or scorned (ex) partners is not gruesome death or assault, it is the brutal character assassination done by those who always need a “valid reason” for a crime. Assumptions, made-up… Continue Reading →
As a parent you will have to deal with a lot of judgement from people, even if “dealing” means ignoring such crap most of the times. But nothing beats the kind of judgement you will face from your own parents!… Continue Reading →
Have you noticed a common, sentimental hullabaloo from movie stars and ‘professional fans’ these days every time there is a bad review or low turnout for a movie? Their reasoning is that a movie is the result of so many… Continue Reading →
Back in 2015, I wrote a blog about why a lot of women trapped in abusive relationships or marriages do not get out, despite the torture they are put through every day. ( It was not encouraging these women to… Continue Reading →
Spent my entire evening consoling my 4-year-old who has been crying uncontrollably saying she wants to be a baby again, because she is no longer able to make the goo goo sounds of a baby properly. Promised her that I… Continue Reading →
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